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Saturday, April 2, 2011

A Very True Love Story

"Hey. Fine, I'm fine. How are you? Yeah. So, how have things been going today? Well, I mean, yeah, what with all the shit that's been going on out there, what do you expect? No, I know, but still. So um...what? No, I'm fine. Hey. Hey. Listen, do you want to know a secret? Do you promise not to tell? No, it's fine. Don't make it weird. No, I'm just...okay, listen, what I'm trying to say is I'm in love with you. Ok? Yes, I know what I'm saying, Jesus, just...Look, you remember the night of the riots? Someone started throwing rocks and suddenly the police were firing rubber bullets into the crowd. I grabbed your wrist and practically had to carry you away. You were just standing there while people started screaming and running. I don't remember actually getting away, but I remember hiding with you in an abandoned cafe. By the way, what is with us and cafes? Was that my idea or yours? Oh, yeah, that figures. So there we were in that cafe, covered in blood and sweat, and water from that stupid fucking exploded fire hydrant and we hid underneath a table as people outside screamed and fought. A car on the street got turned over and exploded and it blew out the front window of the cafe. I couldn't hear anything for like twenty minutes after that but I remember staring into your face and even though I was completely fucking petrified you had the biggest grin. Like you were just having the time of your life. You had dried blood in your hair and down the left side of your face even though you hadn't gotten hurt during the riot; I'm sure you were the only one who showed up to the damn thing pre-injured. How did that heal up by the way? Good, I'm glad to hear it. Look, the whole point of this story is, I need you. I need that grin in my life. I need your adventure and excitement and your pure unafraid joy. I'm no epicurean; I read books and I live on the page and in my head. You know, I've never given any thought to what my life is and now that it might not last too much longer, I know that I've wasted too much of it thinking. Someone told me once that as long as there are people out there who remember you and who love you, then you'll never truly die. Well I don't know how many people out there love me, but I know that when I die it won't be all that much longer before the few people that I've touched enough to remember me are gone too. So I need to make some changes. And the first change I'm making is that I'm going to live my life. And I want to live it with you. So there it is. I love you. So...what do you think?"

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