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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Harry Potter Friday for Some Reason

Ok, I do in fact know the reason for it, but let's just say its rather superfluous. At any rate, on Friday night all of Delaware was turned into a scaled-down version of Orlando's Harry Potter World theme park. Different businesses represented different parts of the magical world and provided different activities and themed fun stuff. So it was silly, yes, but my God, I have never seen downtown Delaware this abuzz with happy people and all this amongst a fairly torrential downpour. I've never seen my beloved Beehive so busy. So well done, Delaware, well done.
As for my part in all this, my lovely employer, Beehive Books, simultaneously represented magical shop Dervish & Banges, the Gryffindor Common Room, and whatever it would be if Hogwarts had a magical student-run cafe. We even featured drinks (invented by yours truly) plucked straight from the Three Broomsticks:
By the way, both drinks are fantastically delicous, if I may say so myself. One of our usual customers, the talented Tom Slayton even created for us a Fat Lady portrait:
And finally, my alma mater's Harry Potter club, known obviously as "The Muggle Alliance", performed what else? A puppet show. Indeed, a live performance of the Potter Puppet Pals.

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